Sunday, February 25, 2007

An Apple A Day is Replaced By An Ipod MP3

Don Quixote walks into a cafe recently, he bargaines with the stall owner for a few green apple, yet as he was doing this, he was taken aback by a loud noice from a passer by? What on earth is this ruckus? Turning he saw a teenager holding an apple! but again it is no ordinary apple! It is an apple which have the colour like none, he ever saw before, the apple is white!

Bewildered he approaches the boy and saw something attached to his ears and thru it seem the origin of the noise!

My dear boy Don Quixote cried" may i intrude on your privacy?

The boy was in a trance like manner! he seem possess by a demon, the demon is the Apple thingy.

Don Quixote look around him! Is there any priest abound that may expelled this demon?

Alast with no priest abound, Don Quixote ripped the boy from the demonic apple and demanded that the boy remain calmed.

The boy turns to rage: An Old Man dares to touched his prized apple! By all means this is ridiculous!

Now its Don Quixote turn to run amoks, he decided to trade with the boy a green apple, by all means this is an uproar, An Apple a Day keeps the doctor at bay, yet this boy is savouring a white apple!

Kudos to Apple and Ipod,

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